Its not just a plastic ring, its a better way to apply your sclera lens!
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We are a small family owned business and dedicated to helping as many sclera lens patients as possible. We appreciate you coming to our website and hope that our products can help you and/or your patients.
This is the true story about the inventor of the EZI Lens Applicator. His name is Tim and he's had 4 cornea transplants. Tim's first cornea transplant was in 1975. This transplant lasted about 20 years. His second and third transplants lasted only about two years and ultimately had to be replaced. After each transplant, he was fitted with different contact lens but they were uncomfortable and did not correct his vision. After his fourth cornea transplant in 2009, Tim was fitted with an 18mm sclera lens. This lens provided the best vision and comfort he had in twenty years. However, the lens was very difficult to insert. Each time he would attempt to apply the lens, using the methods he learned from his doctor, a bubble would form in the liquid reservoir, blurring his vision and causing discomfort. This went on for several months until one day he and his wife, Joyce were discussing what to do. Joyce made a comment that triggered an idea. Tim, being a tool and die maker, created a make-shift device that later became "the ring" and the rest is, as they say, history. Tim could immediately apply his lenses without trouble. He used his ring for several months and he knew that his ring could help other patients. Thankfully, it has.
The EZI Lens Applicator is proudly made in the USA and has been sold domestically and internationally helping many sclera lens patients everyday. Please feel free to contact us at 1-855-857-1498 if you have any questions.